Winter usually brings slow days and snow days. The expectancy of warmer days and big walls. Well this off-season was different. Firstly, I painted into December…very unusual. Then right after the holidays I received a mural commission from one of my favorite bars and restaurant, Brown Jerry’s in Pacific, MO. This was a Blues and Jazz theme any way I wanted.
Resulting from this a new customer needed(wanted) a classic car mural in his man cave garage. You know I can paint some baaad chrome!
Then I waited for dry weather to begin a 100’ mural in the gorgeous little town of Concordia, MO. Three weeks we waited for the right climate. Eventually on May 7th I packed up the show and landed in Concordia at the request of the Lions Club. trim.C770AC2A-EE48-4356-B884-A355D06D2344Patriotic they wanted and patriotic they received! Another beautiful waving American flag and a large version of the preamble of our constitution.
Next, Hannibal awaits for a Mississippi Showboat mural. See you there!
Hit the Ground Running in 2022!
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